Saturday, October 20, 2012

Rivets, rivets and more rivets

I've spent the last few nights working on all the rivets for the tower. I bought a multisize hole punch a few years ago just for creating rivets. I used it a couple of times on plasticard sheets. That dulled the blade edges a bit too much. The pieces were also very difficult to get out of the cutting cylinders.

I'm using a cereal box for my material this time. The challenge now is that the blades are dull enough that sometimes that don't make a clean cut - may be time to buy another punch.

The amount of time to cut and glue all of these will definitely pay off. The detail will give this tower a realistic look.

Next steps are to base the base and mount the tower to the base. After that I'll start painting. The competition is on the 27th.

1 comment:

  1. I was told a Leather Punch would be good, and wouldn't dull.
